• Do Golden Retrievers Need Grooming? How Often?

    Golden Retrievers have iconic, beautiful coats that are luscious and soft to touch. This breed has two layers of coats—one water-repellent outer coat and a thick undercoat. They shed throughout the year with heavy shedding in the spring and fall. Because of their coat type, it’s important to maintain a consistent grooming schedule.

    Owners should stay on top of grooming to prevent tangles and mats from becoming serious skin and coat conditions for their Golden Retriever. These dogs have specific grooming needs, so keep reading this guide for answers to many Golden Retriever owners’ grooming questions.

    How Often Do Golden Retrievers Need to Be Groomed?

    Grooming a Golden Retriever is a straightforward process. If you stay consistent with grooming habits, you shouldn’t have to worry about doing any extensive work with your Golden Retriever’s coat.

    In general, Golden Retrievers should have the following included in their grooming schedule:
    • Coat brushing 3-5 times a week
    • Tooth brushing 2-3 times a week
    • Nail trimming every 2-3 weeks
    • Bathing once a month
    • Professional grooming every 8-10 weeks

    How Do You Brush a Golden Retriever?

    Brushing your Golden Retriever will typically take about 10-15 minutes. You can start from head to toe. Before you brush each section, check for any tangles or mats so that you don’t accidentally yank your Golden Retriever’s skin. If you notice that there’s a lot of dirt or debris on the coat, you can try using a dryer to blow it away before brushing.

    Don’t try to use force to untangle any stubborn tangles or mats. Instead, use a detangling spray and gently work your way to brush out knotted hair.

    Never use scissors to cut the base of matted fur. Matted fur can lie very close to your dog’s skin, and you can accidentally cut them if you try to snip the bottom of matted hair.

    Instead, you can try to cut the very tip of a clump of matted fur to help loosen it up. If the mat is too close to your dog’s skin, make sure to contact a professional groomer to remove it safely.

    Which Comb Is Best for Golden Retrievers?

    In general, Golden Retrievers will need two kinds of brushes:
    • Slicker brush
    • Deshedding tool

    A slicker brush helps keep your Golden Retriever’s coat free from tangles and helps spread the dog’s natural oils throughout the body. Use it every time you brush your dog’s coat.

    Since Golden Retrievers shed regularly, they’ll also benefit from a de-shedding tool. This tool will help collect any fur that the slicker brush misses. You can use a de-shedding tool about once a week immediately after brushing with a slicker brush.

    You can also add a de-matting dog comb and a pin brush to your brush collection.

    Golden Retrievers’ fur varies slightly, so some will need these additional tools while others won’t. If you have any questions about grooming tools, consult with your groomer.

    Regular Brushing
    Image Credit: sonsart, Shutterstock

    What Happens If You Don’t Brush Your Golden Retriever?

    Inadequate grooming can lead to inconveniences that lead to serious health conditions if left unaddressed.

    One of the first consequences of infrequent brushing is constant shedding throughout the house. The Golden Retriever’s coat will also get dirtier faster because dead skin cells get stuck in the fur. This buildup can also prevent new hair from growing.

    The Golden Retriever’s coat will also lose its shine and softness and become tangled and matted. When mats aren’t treated, they become extremely painful for dogs as they tug on the dog’s skin. They can also lead to hot spots, which are inflamed skin lesions that can be extremely itchy and painful for dogs.




    Additional Grooming Needs

    How Do You Brush a Golden Retriever’s Teeth?

    The best way to keep a Golden Retriever’s teeth clean is to use a dog-specific toothbrush and toothpaste. Start by letting your Golden Retriever lick some toothpaste off your finger. Then, let them lick the same toothpaste off the toothbrush.

    Once your Golden Retriever becomes familiar with the toothbrush, you can start brushing the teeth that are easy to reach. Praise your dog every time you do this until you can reach all the teeth.

    Golden Retrievers will benefit from brushing their teeth several times a week. You can also add dental chews and water additives to supplement their dental hygiene.

    dog paw nail
    Image Credit: ulisesbeviglia, Pixabay

    How Often Do Golden Retrievers Need Nails Cut?

    The frequency of cutting a Golden Retriever’s nails will vary with each dog. If a dog is consistently walking and running along hard surfaces, its nails will naturally wear down against the grain.

    Most Golden Retrievers have dark nails, and it’s difficult to locate the quick. Therefore, it’s best to cut nails in small increments. You’ll know that you’re close to the quick when you see a darker color in the middle of a cross-section of the nail.

    You can use traditional nail clippers or a nail grinder to keep your dog’s nails at a healthy length. Most dogs are initially resistant to getting their nails trimmed because they have sensitive feet. Make sure to be patient and reward your dogs every time they let you touch their paws and clip their nails.

    What Is the Best Way to Wash a Golden Retriever?

    Golden Retrievers typically need baths once a month. If they enjoy swimming, these baths can occur in less frequent intervals as long as they’re swimming in clean water. Avoid giving your dog too many baths because this can over dry and strip their skin of natural and essential oils.

    Many Golden Retrievers have skin allergies, so it’s essential to find shampoo and conditioner that don’t irritate sensitive skin. Look for products that use skin-soothing natural ingredients, such as aloe, oatmeal, or tea tree.

    When you bathe your Golden Retriever, make sure to brush their coat first to remove any loose dirt and fur. Then, soak your dog with warm water. Make sure to cover their ears so that water doesn’t flow into them.

    Gently massage the shampoo into the coat and brush your dog again with a slicker brush to remove more loose hair. Then, thoroughly rinse your dog. Apply conditioner if you prefer. After rinsing your dog, brush the coat once more.

    Before drying off your dog, clean the ears with an ear cleaner. Golden Retrievers have floppy ears that are more prone to ear infections, so it’s important to keep them clean and dry.

    Finally, dry off your dog with a towel first. Then, use a blow dryer. Make sure that your dog’s coat is completely dry before giving them one final brushing. You can top off the bath with an optional finishing spray that helps control shedding.

    man grooming golden retriever dog
    Image Credit: SB Arts Media, Shutterstock

    Do Golden Retrievers Need Professional Grooming?

    Yes, Golden Retrievers require professional grooming. There are many benefits to taking your dog to a professional groomer. Professional groomers can help detect any skin conditions and also safely remove any tough mats. They can also check for fleas and ticks.

    You can also request special treatments for your Golden Retriever, such as blowouts, deshedding treatments.

    Do Golden Retrievers Need Haircuts?

    Golden Retrievers don’t necessarily need full haircuts, even in the summer. However, they will benefit from regular trimming whenever they visit their groomer. Trims will keep coats manageable and less prone to tangling. And for those that like a less maintenance approach or for those that have an active Golden Retriever, there is always the one length "puppy cut" option.

    A groomer will also be especially helpful with trimming the hair around sensitive areas, such as your dog’s feet, the inside of the ears and sanitary areas.

    Should Golden Retrievers Be Shaved?

    Never shave your Golden Retriever. This breed’s double coat actually helps them stay cool by protecting them from the sun. Shaving these dogs will strip them of their natural protection.

    Golden Retrievers will stay cool during shedding season as they lose more hair. Instead of shaving their fur, you can help them stay cool by consistently brushing their coats to remove loose hair.

    golden retriever outdoors
    Image Credit: Chiemsee2016, Pixabay


    Final Thoughts

    Consistent grooming habits are a must for Golden Retrievers. All dogs require regular tooth brushing and nail trimming. In addition, Golden Retrievers specifically require brushing several times a week and regular trips to the groomer.

    Source: Pet Keen