• 7 Reasons Why Dogs Lick Humans

    Quite often, when you return home, the first warm welcome you receive is from your pet dog. From whining to jumping to licking, they go all out to please you. Ever wondered why they lick you? According to CureJoy, yes -- it is because they can’t talk! Actually, there is more to it it than just that. With one message, they’re conveying many meanings. Here are seven reasons why dogs lick us.



    1. Showing Affection


    2. Communication


    Besides barking and wagging their tails, dogs communicate with us by licking. They are trying to tell us that they want something from us. Maybe they want food or water or want to go for a walk. Whatever it is, we must learn to interpret what their behavior means.

    3. Attention Seeking


    Dogs love to be loved. They crave for attention just as children do and will perform many antics to receive attention. They bark, wag their tail, rub themselves against us, and even land their sloppy kiss by licking us. When they do this, care for them and pet them just as you would with kids.

    4. Submissive Gesture


    As with all animals that live in packs, licking is a submissive gesture towards the dominant members to communicate their subordination. When they lick you, it is a way of letting you know that you are the boss! They may do this with other members of the household too.

    5. Exploratory Technique


    Dogs use their nose and tongue to explore objects, animate or inanimate. Just as we are connected to the world through our senses, dogs use their sense of taste to identify and recognize things around them.

    6. Tasting Us


    Just as dogs identify us by our odor, they can also distinctly recognize us through taste. They learn this by licking our skin, which releases salts from the pores when we sweat. Once they like the taste of an owner’s salty skin, it becomes a habit.

    7. Force Of Habit


    If the habit of licking a person is encouraged, the dog assumes that the person enjoys the experience. This operant conditioning makes the dog repeat the act of licking. If, on the other hand, a person discourages the dog from licking, very soon the dog understands that the person does not enjoy being licked and quickly stops the behavior.

    In closing, according to CureJoy (www.curejoy.com), when dogs lick us, they are doing it for one of the reasons mentioned above. If you enjoy the feeling of being licked and loved, just reciprocate and show your love for your pet. But, if you don’t like being licked, ignore and walk away from the dog.


    Source: CureJoy, 12/2016. www.curejoy.com
