• Causes of Matted Hair in Dogs

    Mats often occur in areas of friction, such as under the collar, behind the ears, in the armpits, or on the lower legs where the legs rub together or where the dog comes into contact with grass. 

    Dogs that sit a lot, or are “right-hipped” or “left-hipped” when they sit, will get mats from the fur being compacted in that spot. Neglect and lack of grooming also cause tangles and knots.

    Preventing Hair Mats: It’s All in the Brush
    The best way to deal with mats is to not let your dog get them in the first place. Regular brushing is key – and static electricity and dryness can foster tangles. Tip: when you brush, add a little moisture with a spray bottle, just a light mist. Technique is also very important. Pet parents should use a slicker brush with wire pins and follow the “line brushing” method with a gentle motion. Recommended process:

    • Another key component is bathing your dog regularly, as a clean coat is less likely to knot.
    • Brush a small section at a time. Push the coat up with your hand to the line of the skin, pat the brush into the hair, and pull away from the dog’s body gently.
    • Continue with this method of lifting, patting and gently stroking the brush through the coat a small section at a time. This method allows you to thoroughly brush the coat and find any tangles hidden under the top of the coat.
    • Depending on the breed, you will want to brush your dog anywhere from once every couple of weeks to daily.

    Tools and Products for Preventing Matted Hair
    Pet parents can use brushes, combs, clippers, or detangling products.  Depending on the breed of your dog and the density and structure of the coat, ask your Wet Paws groomer for the best brush to use and to  demonstrate how to properly brush your dog. There are de-tanglers and shampoos on the market to deal with mats but no magic potions. While dusting a little cornstarch on a tangle can help, in the end it comes down to elbow grease.

    When to Throw in the Brush
    The process of removing mats can be laborious, and a dog can put up with only so much. When it appears your dog has had enough and there’s still a long way to go, it’s time to quit and either take him to a professional or give up on the brushing and de-tangling and simply clip the mat off.

    “Humanity before vanity. If it can’t be saved, it just needs to be trimmed off”

    In closing...
    Getting all that matted hair off your dog is very important for it's health, as well as his appearance. Matting can cause sores and injuries—all kinds of things like bugs can hide under the [matted] coat.

    Source: PetMD
